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29th September, 2022

Interior Design Tips to Make Your House a Home

Interior Design Tips to Make Your House a Home

When it comes to making a house feel like a home, you will need to make sure that style, function and comfort are all working together in harmony. To help you personalise your home, we have compiled a list of creative interior design tips just for you.

Add atmosphere with mood lighting

Mood lighting allows you to personalise your home’s atmosphere through colour and intensity, depending on how you want your rooms to look and feel. For example, dimmer switches can be used to change the atmosphere and ambience, while coloured lights establish the room’s colour temperature and mood. To make the space feel more warm and homely, opt for lower lighting settings and allow natural light to flood in where possible.

Mix old and new

Creating a harmonious living space is all about balance and contrast. Combine modern style with antique charm by mixing and matching sleek minimalist textures and backdrops with classic items you have inherited or thrifted.

Make the walls look taller

One of the easiest ways to make your home feel more spacious without having to store away your favourite items is opting for tall furniture pieces which elongate the floor’s visual proximity to the ceiling. By creating the illusion that your ceiling is higher up, your room will appear larger and less cluttered.

Make the most of every room

Make your home highly functional and optimise your comfort zones by making sure no space goes unused. Whether it is a spare bedroom, an office or an en-suite, decorate as though you would any of your rooms.

The power of three

Three is a powerful number in design, as many believe that things arranged in odd numbers are more appealing, memorable and effective than even-numbered groupings. Designing your home with the magic number three in mind will give your home a sense of balance, visual appeal and modernistic asymmetry.

The 70/30 split

This is a method of design whereby you divide a room into a ratio of 70:30 and decorate 70% of the space with your anchor scheme and the other 30% in a different style. Toy around with how far separated your two themes are for a unique style that makes your home memorable.

Create cosy nooks

There is no better way to make your house a cosy sanctuary than by adding small comfy spaces to take a breather. Find or create a comfy seating spot in your home, layer with blankets and cushions and make sure a book is never far out of reach.

Switch up your ceiling

Elevate your room’s fifth wall with colour, pattern and texture. Often ignored or stuck in the past, ceilings are ripe for decorative rediscovery, and therefore you can style yours however you please. Leave old textures and colours in the past and choose a fresh ceiling design which matches your colour palette, drawing the eye upwards to tie the room together.

Use the 50/150 rule

To achieve the perfect colour family, use one batch of paint 50% lighter than the base and another batch 150% darker. This rule of thumb will create both contrast and harmony in your home’s colour scheme; with the lighter colour creating a spacious illusion and the darker colour balancing the room out with dimension.

Change with the seasons

One of the best ways to effortlessly change your home’s décor with the seasons is by playing around with the colours that represent them. When the timing is right, change up your blankets and pillows, and add a fresh lick of paint here and there. Changing up your home’s colours and textures in keeping with the seasons ensures your home feels fresh and dynamic year-round – and you won’t end up getting bored of the layout.

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